The group picture

72p P9280071FæturBJSThere was fog, rain and strong wind on Hellisheiði and my windshield wipers hardly managed to do their job. When I reached Hveragerði I was relieved. Now I was almost there. Still, I managed to get lost. Drove past the sign to my destination and in to a golf course somewhat flooded and from there to a gravel road with deep puddles and in the end, a sign: This road is now closed. Well lucky me.

I turned back and found the Frost og funa guesthouse. The others had already arrived. I said: shall we go swimming? Yes, soon, they said. So I changed and went into the swimming pool. It rained and the wind blew but the pool was very very warm, at least 40+ °C I think. Two guests got into the pool with me, foreigners. They loved the heat in this weather but I was rather busy trying to find out the mechanism to regulate the heat. The mechanism turned out to be very simple. A water hose fastened to a hot water tap.

I later found out that the whole building is built on a geyser (yes the sauna is in the cellar) so the house is heated from a private hot water source from underneath. After my swim I went to the hot pot right by the river, Varmá. The wind howled and the rain came down but not as forcefully as before. The hot pot was somewhat cooler than the swimming pool, thank god. It was dusk and the lights started to draw lines in the fog. I really enjoyed sitting in the hot pot staring into the murky green river that roared beside me. As I sat there, gazing upstream, some animals came down the hill on the other side and headed for a bridge close by, what was this? Cows and a dog. The dog headed the cows off and barked as they wanted to cross the bridge. In the end the cows crossed by wading the river, it went up to their belly. Moo and woof and rain and river roar muffed by the fog and wind. And I, in the hot water pot. Lovely. Later, the others joined me.

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